Types of pregnancy
There are three different types or classes of pregnancy:
Intrauterine PREGNANCY: this kind of pregnancy is the conventional or normal, ie, one in which the fetus is implanted in the uterus (hence its name) and power grows, without any alteration or complication.
Ectopic Pregnancy: A word ectopic means out of place and refers to that pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus of the mother. The embryo usually located in any of the channels through which the egg is directed to the ovary, such as fallopian tubes. Although it may also be placed in the abdomen, the same ovary, etc, and there is no possibility that the child may develop and survive in these conditions.
MOLAR PREGNANCY: this kind of pregnancy has the peculiarity that the egg was fertilized abnormally. From this, the placenta grows disproportionately and is transformed into a set of cysts called hydatidiform mole. As a result the embryo fails to form and does not survive.
Molar pregnancy should be interrupted only known of its existence.
There are two types of molar pregnancy:
complete molar pregnancy is one in which there is no normality in the embryo and placenta tissue. Moreover, all the chromosomes of the egg belong to the father, when current is that half are from the mother and the other half come from the father.
Partial molar pregnancy: here the placenta may show signs of normal, and the embryo develops abnormally. In addition, half of the chromosomes come from the mother, but those who belong to the father appear in two groups. Consequently the fetus, instead of present 46 chromosomes, containing 69.